Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Authenticity for you and for me!

I kind of feel like a broken record! The energy is really working this angle hard and for quite some time. The pattern is twisting tighter wringing out false relationships (old beliefs which held up the relationship) allowing room for authenticity. This may feel hard, however, the benefit is we allow others to rise to their highest potential. If you’ve navigated the patterns with presence, the energy is fleshing out in the way of the other going to old(er) patterns to solicit your attention. Ignore it. This is a last attempt to get you to hold on to the old story. While this may feel scary at points, it is not real. Love is real and dropping the story all together is very loving. Also, for many of you the charge behind it is limp like the overcooked brussel sprouts of my childhood. Since I’m lamenting, lets talk about canned mushrooms! Who thought that was EVER a good idea? Your accountability to this process is to witness it and make your choice. You have power now to change the tide. Decide from the position of “Does this serve me?” That is what matters now. For those of you who are like me, allow yourself to stop thinking about it. You hold the key to letting the story go, once you decide nobody is at fault. You also break the energy tether when you stop the process of thoughts toward the events, which lead up to now. Just be in now and you can be free of it all! (I’m thinking that would make a nice t-shirt). It might support you to view the situation in this manner- “They are doing what they know.” “They may not be able to choose to change their story now for reasons I cannot understand.” “They are a willing participant in the this dance so I may learn and grow.” “They are an gift to me in strange wrapping.” I can’t tell you how many strangely wrapped gifts I’ve had in the past few years! Making choices to elevate you is another great focal point. If you were birthing a baby you might choose a focal point to keep the process calm and focused. Be present while putting desires out into your future. If you could do anything in the world, what would that be? Go there-focus on it! Some of us may be at the place of releasing trauma from our experience. We are seeing life through semi fresh eyes (like out of date milk by two days-its still good for making pancakes!). Use this information through sense vs. thinking. We are currently doing work we cannot see, small bits or flashes of clarity pop in but not as a whole. No clinging to try to make sense of it. Trusting what you saw, experienced, etc. is plenty to do the job! I think we’ll be singing a different tune in June! See you in two weeks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Releasing the story and transforming

The energy this past week coming into this week has had this underlying subtlety. It is like two constant streams are flowing at the same time but one is quieter and perhaps that is the one which holds more wisdom. I really encourage you to give yourself the gift of stopping the thoughts and chatter a few times a day. This means stopping your mind when it is beating the drum of a story that is not really true. This is essential. You are learning to raise your vibration to hear the quieter part of you through essence. It will speak but not directly, it is through “feeling it” and through discernment, (inner knowing without justifying facts to support it). This shift is yet again priming another muscle to strengthen us dimensionally (surpassing beliefs). When we free ourselves fully from the story we shift to alignment. Ideally, we are headed to the 5th dimension. The best example I can give to what this looks like is if we state it, “it is so” it indeed IS so. Nobody then fights it and accepts it to be true for you. Sounds pretty good to me! Coming into this week the energy shifts a bit further into this concept about transformation. To my I am defining that as “evicting the root of the story.” I see myself holding huge boundaries with those the story tells me are “supposed to be closest to me”. I have come to realize I have been enabling them and myself by holding up their story. I was blind to it because the story was so strong inside. Last night I was at yoga and a very interesting thing happened. Before I arrived I thought about those people with whom I am holding strong boundaries. I became fearful and upset I could see it taking me down. As I parked my car I sat there a minute and observed my feelings and more so pushed into the fear, why fear? Truly there was no answer however when I lay on my mat before yoga I saw something. It was as though inside my eye was another eye with an eyelid. The eyelid in a sense was not fully opening but just a slit. It could feel like peeking out of a cocoon. What I saw through that eye was simple but profound. I saw what almost looked like the surface of a green shiny stone. The reason it was profound? The clarity at which I could see it was astounding! As I checked around inside for more answers I realized this energy felt like it was a % of my body. This vision was probably 1/20th my true ability to see using this new clarity. I messed around with it during yoga and hope today to incorporate it while doing a reading to see if it activates for others too. View your story maybe even go into it, that’s what seemed to help me see the difference. Break it down by facing it, perhaps we are all gaining this new perspective and life is changing for each of us. One more thought. Perhaps these past years or decade have been this way so we wanted the change so we worked toward calling it in versus holding the pattern of status quo.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Energy Update Pattern changing

I had an epiphany but I have a lot of epiphanies so I catch myself laughing as I write this. The excuses bubble up like needy children of missed doings, which haunt us like we are the spurn of the earth parent, friend, child, etc. How does this change? How do we see our self as whole? It comes through passion and passion if we are not already there takes pattern changing. In my articles I’ve talked a lot about holding boundaries and making sure you surround yourself with people who are supporting your expansive nature. This is important because they can nurture and co-create alongside your passion so having a supportive community can make you feel safe to change patterns. If we are with the people who for us are “squeaky”, it will take us back to our rut. My advice? Stay out of the rut. Each time I see hope and feel freed up it is because I made a change. I suspect all of the programs in the world can step-by-step help you find change. It then becomes about being gentle with yourself and others while you are going through the process you’ve chosen. We can get TOO excited about it or we can miss some assignments and beat our self up. Awareness is your tool. However, if you feel it will create lasting change go for it! The real secret is you were never broken so there is nothing to fix. Your real desire is to go back to your nature. The epiphany came for me when I received some unexpected help while at the same time was reading about ayurvedic approaches. There I was right there on the page! I could see my triggers that break down my foundation for health and vitality. It was a westernized version, which helped me to understand more than ever before about the depth of ayurvedic knowledge. So, we can take cues from different places but the answers are within. Changing the pattern is the key. Rejecting the thoughts about what overwhelms you …… I was driving to the studio today and was calling a client who sent me a contact name, which I called right after speaking with her. Then I felt a shred of guilt for having my own career and another opportunity which will likely take me away from home AND? In flood these things…..my son’s birthday party invite needs creating and sending (which I want to do), the lawn care company needs calling today otherwise we lose the discount and the list went on and on. It is breaking the cycle of the “I don’t want to dos” and simply allowing space for MORE of the “I want to dos.” Have no clue what I’m talking about? Feel overwhelmed? Stop what you are doing and go take a nap. Then wake up and ask yourself what you want next. Act on it! If you wake with a jolt, sit with it, and ask yourself to go into those feelings, that is something trying to get out of you, honor it! Cliff notes: Change patterns, make sure you are surrounding yourself with friends and a support network who are authentic and supportive. Love yourself enough to make you the priority. Be in passion. Be in peace.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Energy Update Dismissed & Unheard

The energy theme two weeks ago was about being dismissed and unheard, I am writing about it now because I dismissed it! I feel it is an important topic and like when I read, it almost won’t allow me to come up with another topic until I share this one. While this energy was arcing I listened to an interview of John Gray by Donna Eden. In this interview John Gray states women are 4 times more stressed in their home than men and 2 times more stressed than men in the workplace. John goes on to share women create oxytocin via estrogen and in a study women were found to create healthy levels of oxytocin when they felt they were heard. Now you know I am going to kick all women in the pants, right? We need to be heard. Being heard comes from us. I am not going to push at “are we hearing others” but instead lets do this one from the opposite angle. When you are seeing a situation unfold and you need to respond to? Use those “I feel statements” because nobody can trump your feelings, they are yours. Secondly, at the end of a conversation make a statement confirming what you desire. “I desire to see this position get filled by somebody who is hungry to work over experience.” “I desire to have my Saturday free, may we meet on Sunday?” Ha, in the middle of this article I broke off and wrote next week’s article! It’s a doooooozy! Claim your space, voice and desires. There is confusion afoot but do the best you can. The confusion is purposeful right now although it stinks. Read next week’s post to learn more about the confusion.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Energy Update "Standing Up"

This is not a newspaper article so I am not looking in this post to convey facts. I am only working with a little tidbit of information I heard. Maybe you’ve heard the Archdiocese in St Paul went bankrupt? I heard only a small snippet about it a few weeks ago but there was mention that people can submit their sexual assault claims to the church until April or May.....WHAT? The archbishop over the years has shared his narrow views of others choices, including being gay. Now there are allegations that he has had gay relations. Do you see he is appearing to resist indeed what he himself has been doing? It’s him in the mirror. Is there another way? You all know me! Of course there is. If the archbishop could be honest and love himself, he’d naturally love others. He is in a powerful position to make the change. He could change Catholicism in MN forever by standing up and claiming what is true. He could choose to be unafraid, and trust working with the church through love and allowing but instead he squandered his power. Think of the countless people who have felt damned for being who they are or for their choices, based on what the church judges is right or wrong. He has a choice to change this. Will he step up to the challenge of love? We must each of us take OUR opportunity to expand and bring forward our own truths. If we carry peace in us, others will be inspired to do the same! "

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fear, where did it get you?

For many years I deliberated, held myself back and didn't know who I really was. I went through some difficult times, many years of it in fact. The struggle has impacted my art. Perhaps for shame and fear, I pushed through because what is life without passion? I am currently working on Peace Is Abundant (PIA) which is a teacher, mentor and friend all wrapped in one. It's allowed a platform to express quickly and be prolific with reason. I am an intuitive person, which to me means I am able to see connections in everything around me. Sometimes this ability makes me appear smart or wise because I can see what others cannot. I've found I'm creating Peace Is Abundant in 50 increment blocks. Then in between I am creating vastly different art to Peace Is Abundant. This past fall I see a change in me, a harkening back to a style or expression I worked with in the mid 1990's. Some of us are slow learners! If that's you too my friend, huzzah to us both, if we pick up where we left off. Leaving the past in the past and allowing the future to be the future.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's me in the mirror

Are people bugging you? Infuriating you? Tune into how you feel when somebody says something to you-good or bad. Take a good sharp look at it because if it is off putting? It means it’s in YOU, in your shadow. While this is not a new concept to my readers, it still is no fun to claim. Why do we want to recognize this? Because the energy right now is about dispelling judgment, cracking open the very essence that is judgment and allowing us to see our role in how we perpetuated judgment. We play one of three roles; the role of the perpetrator (judging others by projecting what we reject about ourselves onto them), the rescuer (trying to care take or insulate the judged, seeing them as incapable of holding their own power) or the power role of the victim (perpetuates the story “they aren’t enough” in order to get others to respond/react). One way to sharpen this skill in yourself and be empowered is to actively be aware of how many excuses you make for yourself (victim). Watch what you say, feel and think about others. You don’t know their situation. (Perpetrator). Where do you want to swoop in to protect others? If what you heard somebody say to another hurts you, it’s yours. Instead staying out of it is a better idea. (rescuer). Compassion to each of you for what you might see in yourselves this week and compassion to me for being willing to do this work also.