Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Energy Update "What in the name of all that's good and holy is going on?

“What in the name of all that’s good and holy is going on? I hate to end a sentence in a preposition but in times like this there just is no choice! Ok, hold onto your hats and lets first embrace the gold. The gold of right now is there are small miracles happening right before your eyes. If you look, listen and watch you will see this. You will see zero point manifestation (instantaneous) in action all around you. These manifestations are small bits to a greater whole. Are they huge overarching support to freedom? No. Are they small bridges to ease the gap? YES! Embrace those things, which flowed in to support you came through your intention. If you are not, please stop reading this and set some intention around your wants. Feel the freedom inside from receiving this type of support, then sit back and allow. Asking right now will be supported. In whatever form it is for you connecting to source energy is also a biggie right now. Conversing with the divine is dispelling the old belief we needed an intermediary to do this for us. A minister/priest/prophet/Amy the psychic…WHAT? Make your connection to universal energy/source/God, however you see it, connect. We are still bridging the gap to self-love. Many of us are finding old patterns resurfacing and creating mental chaos. Let go. Our only choice is in choosing oneself. If we are in relationship with others who are holding us back or keeping us stuck perpetuating patterns, which defeat us, we need to let go. If we can within these relationships alter our course, release ourselves from judgment and non-serving beliefs we can reset the course of this relationship. In career, slow-down, evaluate what serves you. Drop what doesn’t. Being at peace right now requires us to advocate for ourselves. To be our own keeper, free from co-dependence, free from self-criticism and self-doubt. If you have a tricky topic on your plate, be quiet with yourself and ask what you want in your life long term. If your current process, career, relationship or situation achieves this, stay the course. If not, make change.

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