Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Energy Update Chaos for some?

What about this chaos? Are you shielding yourself or going in? Some of us are experiencing some confusion and intense emotions. We are fleshing out some characteristics, which no longer serve us. We might find the mirror in a silent partner or relationship who, seems to leave us feeling flat, cold & confused. They may be “just fine” while we struggle. Nothing is wrong with them so it must be us. While I do believe they are mirroring something for us I also believe they play a role in the relationship. If we are big enough to ramp up the law of attraction and put all our energy to loving them and seeing us both in balance, this may do the trick. If the hurt is too deep, I highly recommend finding a method for self-forgiveness. Then go back to the table and evaluate how you feel. If the feelings are not resolved, more self-forgiveness! Good luck navigating these waters for those of you impacted by this energy tide. Remember, it will pass! Peace, Amy

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Energy Update Lasting Love

Lasting Love My friend shared a concept with me and I’d like to share it with you. Its called Wabi Sabi love. The idea is that if we find annoyance in another, if we change our perspective about it we can find flow and ultimately more love. After listening to a recorded program about this, what I realized is in some areas of my life I've applied this. Here are some examples to help you learn how to Wabi Sabi love! Growing up it was WRONG to put your hands on a window. If you left a smudge mark you might regret that for years to come, no kidding. So in my own home I have a clear glass window that spans the height of the door. Of course my young children love to see who is coming so there is often hand, nose, mouth, you name it prints on this window. Many years back when my kids were littler, I looked at that window and sighed. Then I rethought about it right in that moment. I could choose to love those hand-prints because they would only be little for so long and I could choose to laugh about the whole mouth window kisses. When I replaced this idea with the old one I felt better! Recently, with my spouse I was challenged with this same type of situation where I had to change my perception of some or ALL (no, just kidding) of his behaviors. You know what? It worked! One week afterward we are more connected in a way we both can feel. (I never had to say anything to him about it, just act on my own new perception and things shifted. An example from the podcast was if your spouse habitually leaves their socks under the kitchen table or leaves a tea bag on the counter each day, deal with it by finding the gold in it. You might choose to say “This proves they exist” or “I can pick up this one thing each day because really it only bugs me and if it is my need, it is my responsibility" or "They are an odd duck who habitually leaves socks under the table but I can love them for it." She went on to talk about how this is really about love through play and laughter. If we can laugh through it then we are doing well. I also want to mention, she quote Harville Hendricks, a fairly well known marriage counselor. “When we nag or pick at another we are creating an act of violence.” Think about that. If we simply focus on what our partners, friends, children, relationships (of any sort) do RIGHT? We will get more of that. Thank you “M” for the reminder about loving with our whole heart, even the things that don’t sync up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Energy Update "What to do with Crazy Makers"

Several weeks ago I mentioned a conversation I had with a friend about distraction in life keeps us separated. Connection comes when we stay in the present moment. Distraction I liken to crazy making. We all know crazy-makers; those who distract us or need to keep themselves distracted and try to pull us into their storm of distraction too. If you continue to recognize people in life who leave you feeling flat or angry, hold a boundary with them. Statements like, “Let me think about it.” Or “I feel” when talking to them can help. If they are trying to get you to agree to some feeling they have which is of no consequence your real power is to say nothing at all, just listen and stay quiet (no response). Just sit there and look at them. If you just hear them and don’t respond? They’ll dump their anxiety and be more vulnerable with you because you’ve opened a door for them to have intimacy by not having to fill the moment with chatter. It’s a choice to enable them and keep agreeing or rush in to help them when they are in drama. The other choice is to follow YOU by allowing them to go through their ritual but respond differently this time. In this remember not to offer solutions to their problems but instead offer support through messages like, “I bet you’ll figure it out.” Truly, the universe put this in their lap for a reason and it is for them to work through. Keep your friends, don’t get angry at them, instead, rise up and be a new mirror for them and see if they can see their reflection.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Energy Update "Offering Understanding"

“Offering Understanding” Each of us creates a story about our lives from experiences we’ve had. These experiences guide us through our life and are the base for our perceptions. Beyond experiences we each have a personality. This too comes into play when we are dealing with perception. We don’t know what story is true for others. However, may we offer ourselves the opportunity through subtle interaction to better see inside our own story? If we do this then we’ll better understand what is driving the other person to interact with us in certain ways. Each time somebody tells you, you are doing it wrong or makes a comment to put you “in your place” (and sometimes this is subtle) you can hold your power by realizing and even claiming it is their own fear they are projecting on you. I have had this scenario pop up lately. If we don’t know what story is running in other peoples heads clearly we can embrace their perception of the very same interactions can differ vastly from our own. Clearly there is nothing wrong with this unless, you feel a bite from it. Here’s an example. I was doing a physical task with some one. The gist of what they said to me went like this. “Amy, you seem anxious about doing this project.” I stopped and tuned in. Do I feel anxious? I didn’t. So I simply stated, “I feel it is the person who makes the statement who is anxious and is projecting it onto another.” This isn’t truly always the case, in this spot I am uncertain if the person saying this to me was anxious, however, they have a habit of saying things like this to project fear away from them and onto another. So after saying my statement back, the person agreed and most importantly, in time, will stop projecting their feelings onto me. This will change because I am holding a boundary with them. I am freeing us both to relate authentically. And that? That’s love! What story is true for you? I’ve been working these patterns for years to shift into who I am fully. I was taught pathways from my family, as were each of us, which are not part of our truth. However, we also for ourselves must claim the story we tell ourselves about our interactions with others when we are apart from them. I used to measure myself by others successes because I never asked or they never told me about their struggles. Living in peace is about perception. Allow yourself to feel out what is being said and how it relates to you. Then, act on it and say something if the story you are being asked to play a role within is not your story but theirs.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Taking the Mystery out of Abundance

Ok, last week I was going to write about crazy making and tried to write about it this week but that is not what wants to be said, so wait a few weeks and it will show up. If you knew without a doubt you already were timeless and were connected to everything you want, you would know abundance. How would you act and feel? Is this arrogance? NO, this is joy. When we act from abundance others start to see us this way too and what we want seems to come with no effort. Sound impossible? Tried with no tangible result? Don’t give up! Start the process and keep going, indefinitely. This will yield results. There is no timeline for results, if you feel there is, that is your ego telling you so. It will come and your only job is to stay in the perception of abundance. Here are two examples; the first is via power and the second is an example of an expansion of perception. Story 1 I was going on a business trip to Africa some years ago. I was to travel during July and had young children at the time. A friend asked me who would watch the kids and how would that ever work out? I looked at her and said, “I know it will work, friends will step up, people will help.” She stared at me and said, “I can help.” I didn’t waver and this showed my belief in abundance. Story 2 I was talking to a friend about three children who each inherited 2 billion dollars. I immediately started sharing my laundry list of what I would do with that money without him even asking me to share! Then he stopped and said, “Amy, that money IS available to you” I laughed and said, “Wow, I’ve talked about this story so many times but I never put myself in the position of having the money only sharing my dreams if I did have it.” See, this friend believes in focusing on “What is” (not what isn’t) Some people would say, “2 billion $? It will ruin your life….etc” He chose to allow. Do you see the difference? He’s not limiting me or projecting his fear on me. He’s allowing. BE OPEN TO THE FACT THAT YOU ALREADY ARE ABUNDANT. NOTHING CAN CHANGE THIS. Ask for what you want. Ask for friends like mine to point out where you can further your perception of abundance.