Monday, December 30, 2013

Gratitude in 2013

A personal story about gratitude- While a clairvoyant, I'm also an artist. I was very happy coming out of a successful studio show in the spring and my art was then on its way to Nina's Cafe on Cathedral Hill. The art had hung for about a week at the cafe when I got a call. A woman was interested in buying one of my large ink drawings. I kept trying to find an evening to return her call. I thought about doing it one Sunday night but it was already 8pm so I decided to wait. Oddly, she called me 10 minutes later. As I spoke to her about the image she kept saying that it was for a memorial. As we were talking about framing I asked her if the image would move around, unsure what she meant by a memorial. She paused. Then she shared that this coffee house, Nina's in St Paul is where she met her husband. They married and several years later he became ill all of a sudden and passed away. She'd looked at Nina's for three years to use the memorial money to buy art by which to remember him. I took a deep breath and thanked her for sharing this story and felt honored to be the art that bridges her heaven and earth. A reminder to us all to manifest what we desire. I place a variety of intention around my art, it was clear to me my intention had been heard.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Energy Update "Truth Seekers"

The Truth Seekers happiness relies on inner strength and power established through healthy boundaries, which keep personal power intact. Knowing how and where to place our power is the goal. This story is about gifts, expectations, judgments, disappointment and more! ~Enjoy? My son, lets call him Peter because that's his name. When he was 6 years old asked for an item that was $150 for Christmas. When he didn't get it from the first grandparents, then not from us, he expected, unbeknown to us, that the last stop would for certain yield this gift by Grandma #2. He had a high expectation! He opened his gift and was disappointed! He remarked, “I thought you’d get me something better.” OUCH! This however, is the perfect situation. See Grandma #2 looks for validation through gift giving, for her that's the only point of gift giving and to have you repay her with an equally nice gift. So they both have HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Can you see the law of attraction at work? Peter is showing this Grandma a mirror. Grandma #2 can choose to look in it or to reject Peter by judging him. Knowing her well, at a moment of weakness in Peter’s life she'll remind him about how he rejected her gift to hurt him back. This gives Grandma #2 the right (in her mind) to forever more judge Peter as entitled and rude. However, she is covert and said very little that day, instead attacking me with it three years later. Using it in a lose/lose situation. I asked her to stop judging me and Peter too, (that's how I held my power). Next time I'm going to laugh, I think there is even more power in this option. The major point I’d like to make using this example is this: Grandma #2 has the right to feel poorly when a child says that in her presence. That was rude, what Grandma #2 doesn’t know and can’t unfortunately understand even if shared (because she is only able to draw it back to herself) is that Peter thought when nobody else got him this item, she for certain would. It is purely that she was the last stop that day, “his last chance” that she got this response. It had nothing to do with her gift, only with his expectation. So this holiday, do your best to communicate! Also, remember let go of over thinking what you bought for others. We can’t read minds and can only feel out that we got something that made us happy to give to the other person. That’s what matters! Next week, a sweet story about a situation for which I have gratitude.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Energy Update "Find the Small Quiet Inside"

This week is about "the inside job". Going inside to find the place where peace is established, where quiet reigns. You have a safe haven inside of you. Work from this position this week as you face the contrast of this outside yourself. It seems hard to apply this to our current human experience where regular duties in addition to parties, shopping, baking and business appears to be ruling our days. To shift into this inner world, I feel this can be a touch base within, it can also be a minute of dazing out and finding quiet in this way. It is about living for small bits on the inside, just with you. Listen to you and follow it with a gentle heart right now. A few weeks back I wrote about a woman drinking a coffee and seeing it wasn't from her truth. While I know you understand the concept applied to your own life it is odd to see it in action in the life of another (without judgment of course). This means the veil is slipping away and we can see each other for who we really are. Another scenario I didn't write about, probably because it fits for today's writing is about perception and trusting inner guidance. I walked into a store several weeks back that is new to its location. I had no need to go in there and shut out my "inner voice" and went anyway. When I got about 1/3 of the way into the store with a hand behind me still touching a scarf as I walked by I all of a sudden felt flat and a thought came. It was about if I were to die tomorrow is this what I want to be doing now? How do I want to impact this world and does this achieve it? While it hit me hard, I laughed because this was inner guidance that I could hear and feel, it was startlingly real AND I could see behind my own veil for just a moment! This used to be a way I'd gather inner quiet, to shop a bit, loose myself in it. In that moment I felt saturated with too much, not overwhelmed but like I had eaten too much sugar. A smidgen of remorse and over indulgence. I also had awareness that I was in the wrong place and in this time and space nothing was there for me. Be open to this in your own life as this is the contrast of managing your energy and alignment. Claim that quiet and gain something bigger! This week focus on the small quiet inside of you. The messaging I am getting is this offers a place to recharge you which is divine and goes to your core. Now that's powerful! Have a good week everybody! Amy

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Energy Update "Manifestation"

I was at Target on Thanksgiving evening. My husband and I want a replacement TV for our cabin and I shared last spring that we might consider waiting until the deal busters hit at the dawning of holiday shopping offering to "do the duty." Then on Thanksgiving evening I roped my sister and her partner into going with me after stuffing ourselves silly at our mom's house. We arrived 15 minutes into the store being opened and the place was PACKED! Then I searched the store looking for the displaced TV's along the aisle with women's clothing. The TV we wanted was gone, a knowledgeable employee shared that they were already out of these tv's. Another employee approached overhearing our conversation and she shared that her hand held device said there was one in back. "No" the man said, "That’s incorrect." We walked away and grabbed a few good deals on the way. During this experience my heart was expectant. I am a passionate person but when I found this TV out of stock I was felt the same as when I thought there was a chance there was one for us and I moved on without a thought. The three of us are standing in line weaving in and out 8 rows back into the store. (A quick aside, you appealed to this Virgo! Super speedy and organized checkout process Target!) We arrive at the last aisle prior to the checkouts and can see the end of the checkout lanes where people leave. Right there in front of me is the TV I wanted. My sister's partner points it out. I lean forward, responsive to the situation and ask the two employees standing in front of me if this TV belongs to somebody. They look at each other and one says, "Its been abandoned, its up for grabs." I jump up and down and yell, "Merry Christmas to me!!!!" My sister and I are genetic blue prints so she is doing the same thing but stops and grabs the TV and puts it into our shared cart. We laugh and revel in the moment as we move down the last aisle to pay. This is an example about manifestation. I believe in abundance and here it is! I had no expectation of getting this TV. I was expectant, hoping for the best with no attachment to outcome. My inner voice was set on, "I will be able to get a TV for our cabin." This non-attached stance offered me the emotional alignment to ALLOW. I am reminded by my good friend Nina, “things come easily to me.” This example is one of many. It is because of my positioning, not because of luck! It is approaching life in pure emotion and in the case of drawing something you want to you, expectancy is the key. We could say my intention last spring held the energy of my request and my unwavering feelings about the possibility drew it to me. Plus, wouldn't you rather find a TV at the checkout than get it at the place they were stocked? It makes for a more rich experience. A reminder to each of us: expectations and responsibility aren't a part of our truth. Expectancy and responsiveness are our truth. Expectancy can be defined as our experience of excitement for an unknown outcome, defying anxiety, which, is the attachment to outcome. We hope for something good but we let go of attachment to this and just get excited about the possibilities. Successful expectancy is about loosing your inner negative voice and following you in place of believing others when they tell you it’s not possible. Hold the good feelings, your alignment about you and the situation. You are trusting you over an outside source. This also is a good example of how to define spiritually putting you first but I won’t go into that in this post. Responsiveness is also internal. It’s where we have something presented to us and we discern (decide from our heart) how we fit the situation to meet it over doing because we "have/should/could/would". What do you "EXPECT TO SEE" (Expect-ta-cy) in 2014? Don't underestimate what you can manifest. Try it out and join me in making a vision board on January 11th, 2014! For more information about Amy and how she reads visit her website at

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Energy Update Seeing Behind the Veil

Energy Update Seeing behind the veil Something is shifting and I feel it is universal. Personally, I am experiencing a heightened ability to see the apocalypse or “behind the veil”. You may remember me talking about life as an illusion and we play roles for one another to grow and learn. Recently I heard: in order to live fully in the light you must have fully lived in the dark. While I didn’t understand this concept before I did understand its manifestation, which is, people, who are playing the perpetrator, are as close to the divine as everybody. Now I understand they are only going the direction of the dark to understand the contrast so immensely that they then can better understand the light. That said, in my daily life I am being shown situations that are not of truth. I may become like the Long Island Medium and walk over to people and say, “Um, I don’t know if this is okay with you if I share but did you know you are not acting in your truth?” Wouldn’t they love that! I think I could do it. Want to place some bets? Let me give you an example, I was at the grocery store where I saw a woman walking out with a hot beverage she just purchased. She was walking toward me I could sense that this action was not in her truth. WHAT? Where did that come from? Was I judging her? Then I could feel and could see under her veil of illusion. I could feel how she felt inside about the hot beverage and what her perceptions about it were, deep and unseen to her and the surface ones. She was compensating by having that hot beverage. There was no true need but to feel something through the use of the hot beverage. She was compensating, self-enabling. We’ve all done it. However, it was interesting to view it. This to me is dimensionality. We can sense beyond what is evident and that is powerful! In no way am I saying hot beverages are bad. What I am saying is tune in, tune into you! Is this right for you in the moment? Is this what supports your life to thrive and really expose your creativity and who you truly are? The other thing I am saying is like growing up in a tricky home as a child, once we hit a certain age we have to face those hurt parts of us in order to heal and release it. Do it! Feel it, if it becomes to scary, claim it. If you also are seeing this pattern with the veil lifted, keep your footing by regarding the truth in others and respecting them for it. Getting stuck on their misstep doesn’t help them shift, nor does it serve our future because what are we creating in that moment where we are judging somebody? This brings me to a holiday topic....... If we remember that in each moment we are creating our future we need to figure out ways to stay balanced during this busy time of year. Show your preference by doing only the things that feel good to you. Leave the rest. Being quiet over being busy will always create a win for manifestation and living authentically!