Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am keeping it simple for this week of Thanksgiving! Have a great week and if you need a reading to work out family bug-a-boos or gain perspective, please connect, I'd love to work with you! -Amy 612-791-3001

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Love & Kindness for oneself

Love and kindness are the words I'm hearing. To my surprise when I went to write the word love I typed the word live instead. Accident? No way! I am the "everything is connected, everything happens for a reason" gal. Lets go see why this happened. A female master has popped in to speak on this topic. She says "Fill your heart with love and kindness for yourself." I can actually feel the energy of this in my heart, its big, soft and warm. To achieve personal love and kindness she recommends living in the moment. When we keep visiting the past and future we are living from perception and it is stronger for our desired alignment (the law of attraction/manifesting what we desire/synchronicity) to live from feeling (the heart doesn't remember the past, it only lives in the present). She holds her arms out showing me the opportunity for expansion when we operate from self-love and kindness. "Fill yourself with this and others will fill with this from you." Relays the master. When I asked her how we achieve this she shares we are to "Expand into it" which, means let it become natural by slowly allowing presence in each day. She says if we do this we will eventually step into this loving space with no effort. To the realists out there I say this, limit your "practice" (yoga, meditation, etc)* to 15 minutes a day to make room to be human. I also say before you do those practices, release your inner negative mind. Write three pages (such as the morning pages from the Artist's way) make a list of the things you need to do and then let it alone. When we keep our practice in our heart vs. with a busy head it is of more benefit. And......the master agrees! *This information about doing a practice for only 15 minutes a day comes to me from Esther Hicks and the late Jerry Hicks and ultimately the master who speaks through Esther, Abraham. Check out their work at Hay House! Have a good week and stay present, while this is not a new concept, the concepts that come to me are timely and perhaps practicing this at this time will help you better flow with the current energy cycle.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Energy Update "Rebound"

Ask and you shall receive! Holy cow! Lets piece it together so we can make use of it and grow........The word for the week is Rebound. .........rebound, what does that mean? to bounce back after traveling through the air and hitting a hard object. WHAT? Let me look a little more......I see a human wrapping their body like a mummy and then allowing it all to fall away and be exposed, anew. Wow, this is a peep show everybody! All silliness aside, it speaks directly to the work many of us have been doing in so many forms; releasing shame and fear. In this case, I feel we are talking about shame. Part of this shame picture is in shedding beliefs. Let me illustrate why. I just presented an art piece to a group of 3rd graders. The artist, a Belgian (1911) was inspired to paint this image because his sister was marrying a man from a place different place (China). Their small Belgian town’s people judged it was wrong to have these two unite; consequently, the townspeople were filled with gossip and judgment. The artist depicted the shame that was flung upon the engaged couple using a local yearly carnival theme with masks (to cover their shame) as a way to hide the truth. Children immediately can see this image is about people judging others. How do they know this? They can feel it. So what’s our rebound? Turn on your feeling again adults! What the children are doing is operating from their feeling (heart) over operating from what they know (mind). Judgment wins when we lack trust in our feelings. "Trust your first instinct" a common proverb in our American culture shows our understanding of this concept. Unwrap your mummy, zombie or whatever a solid metaphor is for you and step into your child eyes. Darren Weissman, a healer along my journey, said, "Amy, see everything through your heart." To do this he suggested I see myself as a pilot in the little plane of my heart and operate from there for making decisions and weighing my perceptions. Operate from your heart at the risk of momentarily being misunderstood. In time this will naturally flesh out what is for you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A way to Reverence, finding "What is" in life

Today I want to talk about an abstract topic, "What is" and "What isn't" The reason I want to talk about this is when I asked for a word to start my writing the word that came up was Reverence. I went to write about it and everything I wrote led me to the importance of us (humans) always choosing the energetic space of "What is". See when we choose "What is" I've personally found a lot of reverence or deep respect for someone or something. So let me try to explain how to choose "what is" in your life and show you through a few lenses. This is an abstract topic because it is a practice of recognizing "What Is and What Isn't" knowing it takes time but when you really get there, what you achieve is quickly seeing behind the veil of the situation and that is where the reverence comes in to play! LITERALLY PLAY! Ever meet a real vampire? No, probably not. How about a Vampire archetype? (An archetype is a very typical example of certain personality traits) A Vampire is a person who drains your energy by complaining or they try to rope you into their mess so you feel sorry for them. They much of the time approach with a seemingly unsolvable problem and do this purely to get attention with no intention to resolve the issue. They are compensating, living in what isn't and they're likely doing this because they've learned this might be their only value as a means to getting attention. We might call them the "Manipulative Victim". They can't seem to figure out how to make change in their life so they decide to cast their confusion and dissatisfaction outwardly directing it toward other people. Yes, we all have met these people. Maybe at times we've even played this role. I know I have. (That's what self- forgiveness is for!) What I recommend to loose this type of energy from getting near yours is to live in "what is". So what does that mean? Living in "What is" means following what moves you forward, what supports YOU. As a tool you could ask yourself this question in reference to a situation where you're unsure you want to place energy, "Is this what is?" To double check it you may ask the opposite, "Is this what isn't?" When we live in what isn't we are leading our lives with a mask on, we aren't being us. When it comes to something with a lot of intensity or confusion such as death, this "what was" approach can be very powerful. When we actually peel back the layers beyond what our relationship looked like, especially with people who were challenging for us on earth, we can see the real gold. Short bouts of intense emotion may surface when we take this approach. If we allow the feelings to come and encourage them, they layers which peel back will reveal the truth about the good purpose of their being in our life for our growth. I look at it as we can see them for "what indeed was". This allows us a new understanding of them in our lives and gives freedoms to our grief. To learn more about this topic watch for my downloadable manifestation audio. I hope to have this and more offerings by the end of February 2014.