Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Energy Update "Self-Acceptance"

Anything you reject in yourself must me reviewed, let go and a new belief formed. This is the work we are summing up from early November of 2013. We've worked through the winter months of facing "being wrong" and moved into flat out "rejection" any feelings of rejection we hold are gaining clarity. We must believe in abundance to thrive and self-love is a good place to feel abundant. We can see our self-rejection in the judgments others make about us. We can choose to act on them by either letting them go or keep feeling badly about them and ruminate (keep thinking again and again relaying the story in our head). Why would we choose to relive them? Because we believe them. Stop believing them. Let go. If you're scared, claim it, ball your fists and scream at the Universe, I am scared and I am ready to thrive. We also can recognize this pattern when we set expectations for things. No expectations, in place of this be expectant, excited like a child who doesn't know what's going to happen. Accepting yourself is about accepting our truth, what we came here to do. This does not need to be a heavy burden. I will share something I heard a woman by the name of Dahna Fox who teaches about the Akashic records says. "We are here to learn to be happy as humans". If that is it, what are we letting stop us? I've hidden my needs for many years. I am claiming them and my life is encouraging more play and creativity. It also is allowing my soul to fully sing. My intuition for my life is stronger. This is what we want. Meet your needs and listen to you. Share only with those who can truly love you unconditionally I know some of you are thinking, “That is one person or a small group of people” Let your expansive nature call in more of these people to your life. By asking for this desire to be met you are also asking the Universe to unravel more people from their “Myth” and offer them their truth. This is a noble request you’ve made!

Energy Update "Judgment & Projection"

I've written about judgment many times. However, the theme has come up again. Personally, I see it defining who is in and who is out in my life. That creates pain and I want to convey the message clearly that your divine truth is about releasing people who judge you. I believe most people mean no harm; it is their fear they are projecting on you. The friends who are "The Ones"? They are able to allow in place of projecting their fear on you. They are able to love you for your faults as well as your strengths. They are able to allow you to pursue what you feel is good for you and accept that is true for you. They accept you and share vulnerability with you. This is healthy! So we need to cut communication with these projectors or be with them with non-attachment. Meaning we can leave them and leave all conversation and exchanges behind with them. No thinking or running the story again in your head (Ruminating). Last week I talked about asking. This is a great place to ask if you are confused if their advice is correct or they are projecting. Questions you could ask yourself to find out are; "Is what they are saying true for me?" "Is what they are pointing out serving me or does it make me feel afraid?" "Can I take they're observation and make use of it?" These answers will help guide you to know if they are pure of heart. If you are still unsure, ask the Universe. Just like last week, ASK at every turn until you see the pattern or gain clarity, meaning you can see it from more than one angle. Letting the people go who project or judge you is an act of compassion. You are releasing them in place of enabling for them to perpetuate the story. You are perfect as you are and for those of you awakening, which is everybody reading this post, its ok to change and move forward in life. A nice thing to practice is sending the person who judges you, especially when it stings, love. Send them love to practice allowing their current expressive needs. That is where they are and this is where you are and all is well.

Energy Update "A Mention of Intention"

What do you intend in your life? Take a look at it, step back and see how it truly serves you. We know where we're stuck in our lives because we can feel it. But how do we know how to change it if we can't clearly see the root of it? We need to understand it so we can change the perception. Can we use displeasure as a catalyst to change our life? Yes. Every answer is in the contrast. If the issue we're having seems unending, seems overwhelming, we can use the tool of asking the Universe for help. One key to this, especially at this very time is to ask at every turn. With each facet of your challenge, ask for clarity. Questions or requests you may ask the Universe could look something like this; "Show me the clarity behind what drives this situation." "Bring me tools and support to help change this situation." "Let me see both sides of this situation so I can have self-compassion." Many things may come your way, go with the one that is most deeply of interest to you. You'll know the one! If nothing feels right? KEEP ASKING! Our inner guidance knows who we are, it never forgot. We can tap into that part of us by asking for clarity. Another way to go about this is to address the strongest, biggest most fearsome issues in our life and chase them with a hot poker! Ok, that is probably only me that would do that. What if we take our personal issue and ask (some might call this prayer) the Universe at every turn to show us clarity. Ok, so we see some clarity in the next days. Then we ask for support in changing this perception of whatever it stems around, generally some form of "lack" and ask how we become abundant in this area? (Whether it is in health, money, career, love or relationships) This exercise is not about asking for money but the clarity on how to overcome the root belief exposing it so we can move into a place of understanding with it. If we understand what the root cause is, we simply have to ask questions like these. How does this perception drive my life now? What do I want in place of seeing things this way? What feelings do I want to feel in place of the ones I’m now feeling? Yes! Here is the key. Ask all of the time, ask the universe for what you need. If you have no struggles in life but feel unsatisfied, ask for your needs to emerge from within you. This is another angle to meet this same concept. Gain the strongest support system, a connection to the divine.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Energy Update "Patterns"

Energy Update "Patterns" I see many of us recognizing patterns in our life, like themes we wish we could drop or shake from us, they can sometimes cling on and persist even through our best efforts. However, if you are recognizing patterns that persist and are able to see your emotions in it clearly you are on the right path! Allowing yourself to feel the awkward feelings while you muddle through new territory as you navigate your mystery has great importance! We are working the pathways back to us. We are forming new beliefs. Now without wavering we know what we need, what is right for us and release becoming something "other" to enable others. In us following who we really are, we allow everybody with which we relate to fully live in their truth. The message I am sharing is where boundaries, self-worth and self-love combine to create empowerment. We no longer hold up the story of another, we know now this is enabling them to perpetuate patterns to keep them away from their "real them". In place of this we feel our way through what we want. This requires us to be gentle with ourselves and make missteps. I feel it is when we can accept "folly" we really find peace. Some ways to support our human minds in this process. Make a list! Get organized! Making a list of everything that has been hanging over you allows us to have more perspective. Now take that giant list and put it into perspective. What really needs to get done and what scares you the most? Do the scary things first and ASK the Universe for support. Breaking it down into steps can help. Is your mind still reeling? Write out three pages. No thinking, if you can't think of what to say? Write "I have nothing to say" again and again until words come. You can type it but hand writing is better. This releases the negative mind that can drag us down. The list gives us perspective. From here? If you can't see what you feel or need clearly, step back and look. Still can't see it? Start making a list of things you've enjoyed in the past. List your top 5 skills and ways to nourish those. Then put it into action, get out there and have fun, do things you're soul needed to experience but you'd put off. Need a tropical vacation? Can't afford it? Go to the local arboretum or better yet a conservatory where there is humidity and heat galore and plants that are flocked in dew. Be creative in place of thinking you have limits. A perspective of limitless allows massive abundance in experience! We must allow space for us if we want to authentically have space for others in our life. Go find and meet yourself again!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Energy Update "Expansiveness"

"Expansiveness" In the past months when I read I see people being asked to expand horizontally. I see it like a cloud of energy extending from either side of them outward a long distance. It is our divine nature to expand and to be expansive. Creating is an example of expansion. So is intentionally letting our energy go outward further than we normally do. This energy can also speak to us developing our power further so we can harness the energy which is our "possibility in life" or full potential. Why can it do this? Because it IS WHO WE ARE. Somehow when I work to grasp a way to support this energetic concept as an idea for a human, I struggle. What I can tell you is this energy where most people are expanding at this time horizontally, there are a few people who are expanding vertically. I am a person who makes connections to things so for me those two energies make the form of a cross. The other thing that struck me is the majority of people are expanding horizontally, and the energy is reflected in a white type energy. Those who are expanding vertically show their energy in as dark. It is not that light and dark that draws me in as a sign of good and bad, it is the contrast and formation. Our earth experience is one of contrast. A master told me many years back via the quantum field, "The answer is always in the contrast" and it is so. (This is one place we can say always!) I went to the internet to search and came up short but Wikipedia spoke to me through this statement from my search of "human symbolism of the cross". The cross is one of the most ancient human symbols (omitted a section) as the union of the concepts of divinity, the vertical line, and the world, the horizontal line (Koch, 1955). This week my point was to kindly leave you thinking. I do not have an answer or moral to this story. It is just a pattern I see which I felt compelled to share. Go expand in what it is for you and know your growth this way will serve all humankind.