Monday, February 27, 2012

Where the wind blows you is your choice

There is this pull in me to share the unfoldings of my own journey. In order to connect in my full truth I've needed to go deep into the repressions. Then as I free them my body changes, physical ailments I once had, some chronic just dissappear. It appears there is no rhyme or reason to where, why or when things stop hurting. Although there is, this is the background work my journey is sorting out. My body is a road map and I've traveled a way in this body, compensating, controlling and sedating myself so I could continue to survive. At some point enduring becomes too much. I've hit that breaking point several times and it is a wild soul who sits in their darkest moments with a drum beating to give up and camly allows the rest of the parts who are not beating this drum to, in a relaxed state "watch the drumming" and make the choice not to participate.

This is the grounding, the one teether securing us because when we really look at the drumming it is only fear, the drumming of the "Law of Distraction". Which brings me to a point, if you are distracting yourself all of the time, doing, doing, doing. You are banging this drum and one day this drum will speak. I don't say this from a place of fear because really, nothing is scary it is protective beliefs that sheltered us from certain aspects as we grew and they are now no longer needed. So because they aren't needed, it is time to shed them. This is creation. Deconstruction for expansion and recreation. Creation is messy, it can be painful, however, it is worth going through the experiences of the repressions to integrate them because we then live life whole.

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