Thursday, June 7, 2012

Good day to all! I've changed my career on Linked In to Intuitive Reader. Please visit this when you get a chance. I had an exchange yesterday. I am walking in life through awareness. Keeping myself in my body, observing the emotions as they rise in me. Working with the ego to allow space for its "heightenings." A friend came to spend time with me at my studio yesterday. She is a good friend and has been in my life for a good long time. I talked about an art project I am doing to make 1,000 paintings. I ordered 50 canvases Monday and said, "This is part of my empowerment, this is who I am." Then like most people I told her I have fear. She said, "I see you trust." It shook me a bit because even though surface Amy may feel the fear, she can see trust in me and even though that trust may feel like a rusty nail holding the squeaky gate onto the barn, I feel it too. Then as I spoke about some of those fears, she acted wholly from the Divine. She said, "If you need help with any of this, please call on me." Now many people say this and right away I laid out my well thought out plan for getting canvas here and there, shipping and invoicing as it sells, even down to some marketing I've thought up. What I didn't get until about 1/2 hour later was I heard what she said, I really heard what she said. She said, "She wants my empowerment." It was how she said there is help there for me, it was how she said she can see me trusting this. I usually can't hear these things because I overlay them with my lack. I just told a friend I can't feel and you know what, I think with this friend I claimed it and at some level released it because I cried in the car realizing, I have sooooo wanted the empowerment of others, I read and make art all for this purpose. I felt, if they gain, I gain and we all gain and that is big. However, I now see I can be empowered and it can be done without fear because I have all of the support I need. I built my community and more are flowing in rapidly. This was a big moment for me and I send deep gratitude to this friend who shared her support and to all of my friends who are pure love~which is all of them! Love, Amy

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