Thursday, January 10, 2013

Resistance creates friction, friction creates heat

Yep, the topic is global warming. The place is Earth. This energy experience, meaning Earth, is a place where the law is contrast. The answer is always in the contrast. The law of attraction is about contrast. So if we go back to the ice age, we had dinosaurs, animals who roamed the earth and had low functioning brains. It is possible our current depiction of dinosaurs is off a bit? What if dinosaurs had ipods, meaning they used their intuition to make movement through their lives. Thus, they never separated from their alignment. So if we blast forward to today. The contrast is the age of heat? Why would this be? The human brain has become quite savvy. However, many of us have separated from our alignment with our truth, relying on free-will. Because of this we judge others and ourselves~harshly. This creates resistance and the result is friction which interestingly creates heat. I have no solutions, just an observation I wanted to point out. My speculations center around; we need to ditch free-will, we will all heal and have space for everybody if we stop the resistance and see ourselves and others for the divine beings they and we truly are. Are you going to keep letting fear and resistance stand in your way?

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