Friday, November 30, 2012

When things stick or in this case "sick" out

Ahhh, a blog post, seems like the last thing you do when you are self employed is update the blog. However, I am home more, I am resting more and figured this makes for a great chance to post. When something goes wrong with your body and there is nobody who can help, we must accept that this is part of the journey. There may be limited support along the way but to complete the journey we must be ready. I've gotten a chance at this. For many years something's been going on with my body. Turns out there is, turns out its a bacterial infection called borrelia burgdorferi. Ever heard of it? I bet you have, its common name is Lyme's Disease named after a Lyme Connecticut where the infection was first spotted and reported. While I'm told this is a vector borne illness caused only by the bite of a tick. I am waiting until I heal to decide. 50% of cases had no rash or tick bite which they recall. For more information and a look into what its like to have Lyme physically, socially as well as what help is and is not available, watch this video "Under Our Skin" streaming on Netflixs and elsewhere I'm certain. As a human I've been told my digestion issues are vanity issues, I'm not sick at all, I'm creating my own problems, open my heart, I have a parasite but now its gone. All of this while I sit in doctor's offices crying, pleading with them to help me. I focused on digestion in conversations with doctors because the fatigue is hard to see. I am a parent with young children. I am self employed, etc. However, it is how this bug has taken my life away which I can now see. I couldn't volunteer, or take things on. Its like it shredded my ability to lead, to be social, to feel good, to see possibilities. It felt like I was always "trying" instead of being. I through the movie Under Our Skin I feel like my body is always in a state of panic. That is no way to live, trust me! I have good help through a functional MD who works out of Vadnais Heights MN. Spiritually, I can see the purpose of this in my life. This "disease" Dis Ease makes perfect sense. I need to let go in a big way. I need to trust others to help me, I need to be ok relying on others. I need support and I need to ask. I need also to take good care of myself. This bug messes with your ability to discern, to use your intuition for your own life. I'm happy for the experience and happy to be working with a doctor who can really help!

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