Monday, April 22, 2013

If we only find community through tragedy we must find purpose through the tragedy to find community outside of tragedy

I was thinking about how humans are a bit more isolated than I feel is healthy for us. Then I thought about that in contrast to a tragedy in our culture. When I pair the two what I come up with is we come together when there is a tragedy. We begin to be honest about needing each other, we know how to help another person without having to ask how. Spiritually this teaches us a few things. Is the tragedy occurring in response to our lack of connectedness? I'd define this as the people who commit the act are feeling unloved, they don't actually feel connected. They could be living a life which appears highly fulfilling on the outside but is not so on the inside. We have become afraid to express ourselves emotionally and this is an obstacle to finding support in the void of going through the motions of life vs. living life. So to me searching for "what is wrong with this person." This statement will grow more and more confusing with each passing tragedy. Why? Because it is fulfiling our manifestation that there is a pattern in them, not us. It is the pattern in us that we need to examine, not the alleged perpetrator. Secondly, we are silently asking for love. Each of us is. You think back to 911 and what America became for a few days. We helped each other, we didn't have airplanes flying overhead. The world suspended, we were quieter, in shock yes but also awe. My heart was overturned but in time that made fodder for new growth. It feels hurtful to know people were lost in these tragedies. That feels hurtful and wrong. It is not in our nature to hurt each other, or is it? We can turn to what sells in America, violence sells and the stakes are pretty high right now with the level of violence shown even in a preview. When we ask for more violence, in media and movies, etc. Then we can't wonder why more has come in reality. If we do, I think we are a little misguided. I spoke today with somebody about "Gun Control" even that is a silly notion. The more we control guns the more violence and resistance will shift into being. We need to stop looking to the government as the parent and stay in that connected to our neighbor space that serves us and them. I vote for connection! Do you? Amy

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