Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Band Aids

I was asked to write an article which was published in 2011. The theme of that article came up in a reading this last weekend at the Hudson Holistic event. I feel it is a good theme for the week, giving example to; sometimes what we judge as an error is actually something working in our favor. Several years back I was in New York at a convention. The floor was marble, the ceilings high and I was many miles from my home which sits across the street from a lovely farm. I was packed tight in a city and I wanted to dress the part, so of course I wore the really pretty looking red pumps and I walked and walked. I'm sure you know what's coming! Yes, I had to peek in on the home design show in the lower level, even though that had nothing to do with the show I was attending. While walking past lovely staged scenes of the worlds top bathrooms, it felt like my feet all of a sudden broke. I knew it was time to move away from the $10,000 sink from Portugal and return back to my show. I stood there in too much pain to move and prayed for my need of two band aids to ease the sheer terror that was my feet. I was otherwise in a joyful state, surrounded by abounding beauty and magical people around each corner. I was in my element! So I walked back through the well proportioned lobby and what do I see on the floor? Yes, two band aids. However, I am Minnesotan through and through so I walked past the band aids acting as if they band aids saw me and were already talking about me. I said in my head, "those aren't my band aids." But as my feet creaked forward I just knew I needed the help. I wouldn't make it to the service stand where they were sure to tell me I had to walk another mile to get to the first aid stand. I stopped and thought a second, then I went back for the band aids. I remember feeling like a thief. It was as though 1,000 eyes were on me. When thinking back I am certain there were maybe 5 people in a lobby that could hold 18,000. My mind racing, my feet almost grateful but in waiting. I had to find the key to have this instantaneous manifestation. I had to see it as okay, if not by human standards, spiritually. Right then it dawned on me. What if whoever lost those band aids was shy? What if they came back for them, couldn't find them and had to ask another person for help? What if this was a chance for them to overcome a little fear? This could help them grow. This experience was certainly growing my trust in asking for my needs! My taking their band aids was now noble! Perhaps I was a spiritual hero of sorts, maybe my guides at that very moment were sticking a gold star on my "growth" chart? Wait a minute.....I am a creative and this is getting out of hand but I had fun taking it there! I've embellished a bit for both of our pleasure but I feel this illustrates a good point. Discernment! This is the key. When we know without a doubt it is meant for us, even if we can't prove it or others can't understand. Go with it! When you ask, trust what the Universe is bringing to you, is in your best interest. I manifest things very rapidly when I can feel I'm on the right path in life or when I am honest in the expression of my feelings. What does it all mean? Getting what you REALLY need may be giving somebody else what they need and being true to your own needs and self IS the right path!

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