Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Newsletter Post "Risk"

When I asked the Universe what this week's theme was for the newsletter, the word which came up was "Risk". No, not "Rick" the boy I dated who began with an "rrrrrr" and ended in an "ick"-not him. RISK! I think it is a good topic because right away it seemed to make me feel uncomfortable! Here's what I came up while feeling out "risk". Where do we find the sweet spot inside? Where does risk encourage us greater than fear that can hold us back, even debilitate us? Some time ago I read, "In order to make it in your career, you need to be around those who are making it." I think this sounds great but FEAR always won out for me. Why would they want to know me? What do I have to offer them? (I know you can all recognize these questions I've asked above as the beliefs which sabotage us). What I am realizing is that if you step into the risk, you'll know if they're the ones as you start to get to know them. Those "ones" may change and shift but its you who has your hand at the helm. You choose how you frame it and honestly how these people or this situation fits. In life we need mentors, examples of the person we wish to grow to be. The hardest beliefs may come in the form of "I'm just not ready." If this is the case, set a timeline or goal so you stick with the original plan. Or just jump in and forget about being "ready". Watch Good Will Hunting to bolster your power in "being ready". Even if you end up on a road that seems totally wrong, I guarantee if you keep putting yourself in the way of risk, you'll bump around until you find your people, your support, your YOU. Sometimes the beauty of bumping around is that you get tidbits of goodness, information and growth that in hindsight are priceless!

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