Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Energy Update "Foreshadow"

Lets define foreshadowing as presuming something before it has happened based on the facts that keep adding up. I think of this as "catching onto something". Like when we watch a movie we can start to figure out what's going to happen before it indeed does. In place of doing this can we impact, by thought situations before they occur? Yes, I believe we all can. This powerful tool is a practice, just like yoga, Reiki, etc. We work with it until we learn how we best let it works for us. If you are headed into an interaction which in the past has offered results that had you holding low emotional states, consider changing your thinking prior to engaging. Here's how. Next time you're headed to interact in any situation, set intention! Do this anytime prior to your event or interaction. As an example I was headed to be with somebody who is a vampire (no, its nobody on this list because you are all magnificent!). This person can level me in one look. However, before heading there I thought about the contrast of how I wanted to feel when I left and setting these intentions: "Its my intention to be able to have both of us interact vulnerably, for us both in our own way enjoy this exchange and lastly, when I leave it is my intention I leave with a sense of peace." For a quick second while driving there I "meditated" on the feelings I may feel based on my requests and then projected into what the scene may look like, both of us laughing, letting down our guard and relating. They initially were making comments which may make me react by feeling like they are pushing me away. In place of feeling sensitive to this I stated my honest needs. They thought on it a few minutes, relaxed and admitted they needed the same. Unexpected result! Vulnerability! Soon after this they admitted the project we were working on is something they'd wanted to do for some time but they never could get to it on their own. This brought me joy and I feel it brought them joy too. We were both able to flow and want the same thing. If we both believe in something we are likely to benefit from it no matter what. Athletes who spend time visualizing their performance, perform better than those who do not do this. Adopt this method in your daily life and reap the rewards! Lastly, I did leave with a sense of peace. I was really impressed about how I impacted this situation. I set out a model for it and the interaction turned into my prototype. I also played a key role in holding my power, claiming my honest needs and this further opened the doors for my intention. Get to it! Impact your interactions with your highest intention. What a profound way to love oneself!

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