Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Energy Update "Balancing Activity & Rest"

I must confess my writing time has been channeled into a project. I am amiss to come up with the fancy articles I was before! If you're new to my email list, go visit my blog to see past posts. If you're hungry for knowledge and like what I teach, you'll find good, free information there. I am seeing the universal patterns changing and becoming less obvious. So I reach to you dear readers. What do you want to know? Please email me with general questions about intuition, reading, universal energy and relational situations as a construct for better understanding (Pseudo scenarios). Please no personal questions you want read for you though. Lets keep it something for everyone! However, in saying that, I am happy to answer to scenarios where you can’t see the contrast in the situation, keeping the names changed, etc. This weekend past I was in Duluth and I stayed with some friends. One of them said, "Amy you should start a website called, ASK AMY." Well, it is not a website but here it is! That was quick (zero point manifestation, check that out!) Now down to business. If there is a theme its about finding the balance in activity and rest. Some odd weeks ago I wrote about it being a choice to meet a situation with stress or letting go and flowing with it. An example of this could be looking for your car keys. If you get stressed about where they are it may delay you more. If you start looking for them knowing you are going to find them you create way less stress for your body. How many times have you not found your keys? Likely, not too many times. The same idea works with the theme of activity and rest. Allow yourself to feel good about both the times you are getting activity and rest. It is a skill to let go of labels such as if I rest I am "Lazy", "I better keep going so I get it all done." Trusting and believing there is room for both rest and activity is a big piece in this puzzle! Tuning in to how you feel is another. Practice this and see time free up for some, I'm certain, much needed rest! On the other side if you are having trouble activating, you have fear. What do you want in life? What are you letting stop you? Fear and resistance go hand in hand. Honor your feelings but keep moving through the fear to go into the activation of what you really want in life! Small steps and challenging the Universe to show you, bring you information, support you. These are tools that are new to our tool belt but if you start using them, in time you'll feel like you've got the world by the tail!


  1. Timely post! My herbal medicine instructor teaches about the rhythms of nature. We are entering into Winter when things slow down: water crystalizes (our bodies are 70% water), animals hibernate, and seeds and roots lay dormant. Humans also need to slow down and use this time to rest, recalibrate and focus our energies within. When we live contradictory to this, that's when we lose our keys, cut ourselves chopping veggies, or have small accidents. You're right, don't think of it as lazy, but see it as an opportunity to center ourselves, meditate, catch up on reading (your blog) and get much needed rest before the burst of energy again in the Spring!
