Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Energy Update "Hang in there People!"

Hang in there people! Experiencing some intensity? Sorry to say some of us just are. There is a cycle coming in (or extended for some) that looks like it will free up in April. I don’t mean to be a downer but this is to ease the hearts of those in the struggle. So if this is you, take a breath! We are being asked to release ourselves from still something, which sticks. The story arc here is about letting go, trusting, non-attachment and putting yourself first. We may have been working a long time toward things and wonder why they still don’t quite take. There is a greater reason for this, which I’ll share in a second. However, our efforts are good if its passion we follow. I know too well the hard work, the effort, the confusion, the bliss and again confusion. If you’ve read with me and dimensionality came up, I had no take on it. However, since then the information has come in and I define dimensionality as ideas beyond what we knew before. It is simply now we have a broader perspective beyond what we could work with in the past. Here’s the rub! This information was taken from the book The Intellegent Heart Transform your life with the laws of love and it states, ”The difficulty with the middle fourth dimensional energy (defined as our ability to understand what we do and think impacts what comes our way-more or less what we understand as the law of attraction) involves a lot of process and very little of it manifests into the 3rd dimensional world. We find ourselves forever working it out, processing it, getting in touch with it, praying about it. We do change our relationship to whatever it is, but that change does not always bring great changes in our lives. Breakthroughs bring us demonstrations but not substantial shifts in real time that are sustainable. This is not the fault of anything that is done at this level. This is the way the energy is structured at the middle fourth dimension. This energy does not easily penetrate the density of the 3rd dimension. Therefore, it takes a lot of work over time to bring the changes into manifestation and often we seem to go one step forward and two steps back. Please not the upper fourth dimension is a place from which it is quite simple to manifest things. In weaker moments, stopping the thinking and saying to your self, “Stay present”. We need to once and for all stop the running mind. One of my friends calls it the “twirling mind”. We may be feeling like we have one foot in a peaceful place among the chaos and one in the anxiety and heat of it. Rise up by allowing space for reflection and release. Remembering this life is a construct for learning and working to see the truth about who you are can satisfy when things get too serious for us in our heads. A quick run through of the coming energy. About the second week of January the energy will shift to what looks a bit like lack. Then we’ll get a reprieve in early February. Honor that shift but know that there is more that’s coming and embracing non-attachment while in this seeming whirlwind is going to serve you as the shift occurs. Later Feb will be a bit dry and March will be trying. However, things open up in April so stop and enjoy life when things are lean, be with YOU! Success is had when we behave like children! It’s like a big snowstorm you can go play in it or resist it.

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