Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Energy Update "Inner Child Begone Spray"

What? Ok, so coming out of August and Sept we were dealing with our inner child. I define that simply as the part of us that knows we’re eternal and feels like it can do no wrong (not through arrogance but self love). If you are struggling, ask yourself, “Do I feel like I have the world by the tail?” If not, your inner child needs some excitement in the way of applying your spirit to living. Think of how children run around in an open space, one minute they are a horse, the next they are a pig, then an airplane. This type of flowing creativity is what the child thrives upon. Get it! Don’t know how? Ask, “What would it look like for adult me to have a fulfilled inner child?” Watch for signs. You might be at the grocery store and you think about bowling with canned goods. While you can’t actually act on this, entertain the idea of what it would feel and look like to do so. If you have children of your own, bring them in the mix. My son and I go shopping together and one incentive for him to come with me is that if we hear a young child make sounds we silently mimic what the child would look like while making these sounds. My son and I laugh so hard. It is harmless but very PLAYFUL! We might want our inner child to sit silently, obediently but how about encouraging the inner play in our self to allow both the adult and the child to merge and express? Lastly, to many of you I have said, “In 10 years the reader I’ll be.” I’ve recently felt another layer of reading open to me. I have identified my sweet spot in reading as working with relationships and career. I have found a new tool to look at what people’s true purpose in career is and it is proving amazing results for my clients. If you are struggling with your career, please consider working with me to gain clarity. I think the info has been revealed because it is time for people to step into these rolls. I’ve found for the clients with, which I’ve read around this topic, the guidance on how to get there is as clear as what they are to be doing! The universe has provided simple steps, which are highly attainable for each of these clients. Never underestimate the power of how you word a question! A simple wording change made all of the difference and taught me how to open this specific door more fully. And? It was inspiration from my inner child, from the play within me, which developed the question! A 30 minute reading would be plenty to get solid information about your career. Consider taking me up on the "Gift Certificate" discounted reading as a gift to yourself this holiday season! www.intuitivepathfinder.com

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