Friday, August 10, 2012

Its raining lights!

So its August and from checking in with my guide in June, "I won't be ready for August but I will be ready for September." Meaning me Hmmmm. That is a mystery but most of you know I am journeying through my mystery, currently recalibrating all of my upper Chakras. Sounds like a simple task but there's been some resistance on my part so I keep remembering I'm strong so shares my yoga teacher and allowing the feelings to be acknowledged and expressed. The Pleiades is sending meteors tonight and tomorrow (8/10 & 8/11, 2012), around 60 an hour! These can be seen within the city because of their brightness, I suspect a spectacular show. I can only expect these creatives Pleiadians to follow through with beauty and perhaps some surprise. Gregg Braden talks about the earth shaking three times as part of the shift which is set to occur between the years of 1986 and 2016. Here we are at the height. Many of us feeling the fight of our last purging of 'the things which hold us back' We are fleshing out our skills, non-attachment, discernment, operating from the heart. All of this is to learn to allow. As we bridge these skills with a level of mild mastery it can be that we then operate fully from intention which is all higher dimensions than our own. Or at least that is how I see it. We free ourselves by using our REAL EYES (realizing) we no longer hold belief systems so we are now supported by our connection to the divine and our intention which is guided by our heart. Whomever you are, reading this blog know that your journey has been perfect and will carry on in perfection, accept this perfection as it is and know it is your truth and others cannot follow you until you are ready to lead. The prayer I send out to you is remember your power, keep it as a tool, move to your heart like a little pilot inside and decide from there and lastly, my intention is for our vibrational alignment.

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