Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Love & Kindness for oneself

Love and kindness are the words I'm hearing. To my surprise when I went to write the word love I typed the word live instead. Accident? No way! I am the "everything is connected, everything happens for a reason" gal. Lets go see why this happened. A female master has popped in to speak on this topic. She says "Fill your heart with love and kindness for yourself." I can actually feel the energy of this in my heart, its big, soft and warm. To achieve personal love and kindness she recommends living in the moment. When we keep visiting the past and future we are living from perception and it is stronger for our desired alignment (the law of attraction/manifesting what we desire/synchronicity) to live from feeling (the heart doesn't remember the past, it only lives in the present). She holds her arms out showing me the opportunity for expansion when we operate from self-love and kindness. "Fill yourself with this and others will fill with this from you." Relays the master. When I asked her how we achieve this she shares we are to "Expand into it" which, means let it become natural by slowly allowing presence in each day. She says if we do this we will eventually step into this loving space with no effort. To the realists out there I say this, limit your "practice" (yoga, meditation, etc)* to 15 minutes a day to make room to be human. I also say before you do those practices, release your inner negative mind. Write three pages (such as the morning pages from the Artist's way) make a list of the things you need to do and then let it alone. When we keep our practice in our heart vs. with a busy head it is of more benefit. And......the master agrees! *This information about doing a practice for only 15 minutes a day comes to me from Esther Hicks and the late Jerry Hicks and ultimately the master who speaks through Esther, Abraham. Check out their work at Hay House! Have a good week and stay present, while this is not a new concept, the concepts that come to me are timely and perhaps practicing this at this time will help you better flow with the current energy cycle.

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