Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Energy Update "Rebound"

Ask and you shall receive! Holy cow! Lets piece it together so we can make use of it and grow........The word for the week is Rebound. .........rebound, what does that mean? to bounce back after traveling through the air and hitting a hard object. WHAT? Let me look a little more......I see a human wrapping their body like a mummy and then allowing it all to fall away and be exposed, anew. Wow, this is a peep show everybody! All silliness aside, it speaks directly to the work many of us have been doing in so many forms; releasing shame and fear. In this case, I feel we are talking about shame. Part of this shame picture is in shedding beliefs. Let me illustrate why. I just presented an art piece to a group of 3rd graders. The artist, a Belgian (1911) was inspired to paint this image because his sister was marrying a man from a place different place (China). Their small Belgian town’s people judged it was wrong to have these two unite; consequently, the townspeople were filled with gossip and judgment. The artist depicted the shame that was flung upon the engaged couple using a local yearly carnival theme with masks (to cover their shame) as a way to hide the truth. Children immediately can see this image is about people judging others. How do they know this? They can feel it. So what’s our rebound? Turn on your feeling again adults! What the children are doing is operating from their feeling (heart) over operating from what they know (mind). Judgment wins when we lack trust in our feelings. "Trust your first instinct" a common proverb in our American culture shows our understanding of this concept. Unwrap your mummy, zombie or whatever a solid metaphor is for you and step into your child eyes. Darren Weissman, a healer along my journey, said, "Amy, see everything through your heart." To do this he suggested I see myself as a pilot in the little plane of my heart and operate from there for making decisions and weighing my perceptions. Operate from your heart at the risk of momentarily being misunderstood. In time this will naturally flesh out what is for you.

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