Monday, March 10, 2014

Energy Update "Expansiveness"

"Expansiveness" In the past months when I read I see people being asked to expand horizontally. I see it like a cloud of energy extending from either side of them outward a long distance. It is our divine nature to expand and to be expansive. Creating is an example of expansion. So is intentionally letting our energy go outward further than we normally do. This energy can also speak to us developing our power further so we can harness the energy which is our "possibility in life" or full potential. Why can it do this? Because it IS WHO WE ARE. Somehow when I work to grasp a way to support this energetic concept as an idea for a human, I struggle. What I can tell you is this energy where most people are expanding at this time horizontally, there are a few people who are expanding vertically. I am a person who makes connections to things so for me those two energies make the form of a cross. The other thing that struck me is the majority of people are expanding horizontally, and the energy is reflected in a white type energy. Those who are expanding vertically show their energy in as dark. It is not that light and dark that draws me in as a sign of good and bad, it is the contrast and formation. Our earth experience is one of contrast. A master told me many years back via the quantum field, "The answer is always in the contrast" and it is so. (This is one place we can say always!) I went to the internet to search and came up short but Wikipedia spoke to me through this statement from my search of "human symbolism of the cross". The cross is one of the most ancient human symbols (omitted a section) as the union of the concepts of divinity, the vertical line, and the world, the horizontal line (Koch, 1955). This week my point was to kindly leave you thinking. I do not have an answer or moral to this story. It is just a pattern I see which I felt compelled to share. Go expand in what it is for you and know your growth this way will serve all humankind.

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