Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Energy Update "Patterns"

Energy Update "Patterns" I see many of us recognizing patterns in our life, like themes we wish we could drop or shake from us, they can sometimes cling on and persist even through our best efforts. However, if you are recognizing patterns that persist and are able to see your emotions in it clearly you are on the right path! Allowing yourself to feel the awkward feelings while you muddle through new territory as you navigate your mystery has great importance! We are working the pathways back to us. We are forming new beliefs. Now without wavering we know what we need, what is right for us and release becoming something "other" to enable others. In us following who we really are, we allow everybody with which we relate to fully live in their truth. The message I am sharing is where boundaries, self-worth and self-love combine to create empowerment. We no longer hold up the story of another, we know now this is enabling them to perpetuate patterns to keep them away from their "real them". In place of this we feel our way through what we want. This requires us to be gentle with ourselves and make missteps. I feel it is when we can accept "folly" we really find peace. Some ways to support our human minds in this process. Make a list! Get organized! Making a list of everything that has been hanging over you allows us to have more perspective. Now take that giant list and put it into perspective. What really needs to get done and what scares you the most? Do the scary things first and ASK the Universe for support. Breaking it down into steps can help. Is your mind still reeling? Write out three pages. No thinking, if you can't think of what to say? Write "I have nothing to say" again and again until words come. You can type it but hand writing is better. This releases the negative mind that can drag us down. The list gives us perspective. From here? If you can't see what you feel or need clearly, step back and look. Still can't see it? Start making a list of things you've enjoyed in the past. List your top 5 skills and ways to nourish those. Then put it into action, get out there and have fun, do things you're soul needed to experience but you'd put off. Need a tropical vacation? Can't afford it? Go to the local arboretum or better yet a conservatory where there is humidity and heat galore and plants that are flocked in dew. Be creative in place of thinking you have limits. A perspective of limitless allows massive abundance in experience! We must allow space for us if we want to authentically have space for others in our life. Go find and meet yourself again!

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