Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Creating Joy

Wow, the Universe works in mysterious ways! I wrote this, then left to work away from home. While away, I had just this very thing I am writing about happen! This is about you. It is about taking care of your self. It is about choosing to shift only toward joy. If something “takes you down” STOP! Stop in your tracks and get back with and to you. If it is a person who stops you in your tracks, even if they are close to you, stop! Stop engaging with them. Let them come to you when they want or need you, then decide what is right for you at that moment. If it is a situation, how can you change it up? How can you allow a new experience in place of what keeps happening? Stop trying and remember to ask. “Show me how to change this situation so I find my joy & flow.” “Show me if I am to be part of this situation any longer.” “Support me to use wisdom to choose people and situations, which fill me up.” When people say or do things that make you upset. Let it go! It’s not yours to hold. Instead, turn back to yourself and allow space for you to release it. Get it out of your head and push it through and out of your heart. Then ask yourself what would support you right now? Act on it. Don’t judge it. In doing readings lately the message is “to be,” to slow down and take a break! The good news is they’ve also been instructed to release the guilt and allow themselves to receive the break as a much, needed departure from being overly occupied. Which brings me to a point and the theme of my next article. A friend and I spoke today and it came to me that distraction is the source of our separation. If we are able to stay connected to now, “to be” we achieve a constant connection to source. So go be! Release those who trouble you. Life is meant to be joy filled and easy. What step can you create this week to add to your joy?

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