Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Frenzied Pace

“Frenzied Pace?” Anyone familiar with the frenzied pace life can take? I asked one of my guides for advice on how to open my heart because she answered “Open your heart” in response to my question prior to this one. Oye! If I could tell you how many times I’ve been told this AND how many times I’ve been told to tell others this in readings. So let me crack the code because my guide told me a way to access or start this process. I believe most of us are living off the reptilian brains and experience life through fight or flight. Our current living conditions make for a very over stimulating place! There are many ways to reprogram, choose to change or shift into an open heart or as I may say it, “living from feeling or discernment and action” in place of living from reaction and judgment. Also, do you see how I layered and asked an additional question to get further to the root of the response? Yes you do! Ok, so my guide showed me how we do things in a frenzied state. Then she showed me how we can just as easily choose to do them from a place of calm. We can get the same result while staying in alignment with our bodies, minds and souls. In this scenario we are talking about opening our heart to ourselves. Being gentle and compassionate with who we are. Our nature is to be calm. Observe where you find yourself frenzied. Is it at home, at work or out with friends? How can you choose calm in this situation? If you can’t choose calm, how can you ask for support? Ask during the heat of the moment to yourself. What can I do to experience peace? Keep asking with each new situation until what is needed unfolds. I find this type of learning comes in waves. Go with the wave! Wave back at it too! I recognized when I drive the car I can be quite stressed. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. I am in a metal box on hard pavement with hundreds of others whizzing by, billboards, children and music adding to the mix, perhaps heading to a, foreign to me, destination. This is a lot for one person to do. Not to mention what perhaps was going on before we even reached the car! Packing a lunch, making sure teeth were brushed and hair combed, phones were answered, and spills were mopped, you get the picture! Now when I am driving the car I am so relaxed I almost fall asleep! I never realized how stressed I was when I drove the car. Who knew? However, driving in a city is a Limbic system in overdrive! So now, if you see me on the road, honk loudly because I am catching up for lost time and letting in my inner calm!

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