Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Taking the Mystery out of Abundance

Ok, last week I was going to write about crazy making and tried to write about it this week but that is not what wants to be said, so wait a few weeks and it will show up. If you knew without a doubt you already were timeless and were connected to everything you want, you would know abundance. How would you act and feel? Is this arrogance? NO, this is joy. When we act from abundance others start to see us this way too and what we want seems to come with no effort. Sound impossible? Tried with no tangible result? Don’t give up! Start the process and keep going, indefinitely. This will yield results. There is no timeline for results, if you feel there is, that is your ego telling you so. It will come and your only job is to stay in the perception of abundance. Here are two examples; the first is via power and the second is an example of an expansion of perception. Story 1 I was going on a business trip to Africa some years ago. I was to travel during July and had young children at the time. A friend asked me who would watch the kids and how would that ever work out? I looked at her and said, “I know it will work, friends will step up, people will help.” She stared at me and said, “I can help.” I didn’t waver and this showed my belief in abundance. Story 2 I was talking to a friend about three children who each inherited 2 billion dollars. I immediately started sharing my laundry list of what I would do with that money without him even asking me to share! Then he stopped and said, “Amy, that money IS available to you” I laughed and said, “Wow, I’ve talked about this story so many times but I never put myself in the position of having the money only sharing my dreams if I did have it.” See, this friend believes in focusing on “What is” (not what isn’t) Some people would say, “2 billion $? It will ruin your life….etc” He chose to allow. Do you see the difference? He’s not limiting me or projecting his fear on me. He’s allowing. BE OPEN TO THE FACT THAT YOU ALREADY ARE ABUNDANT. NOTHING CAN CHANGE THIS. Ask for what you want. Ask for friends like mine to point out where you can further your perception of abundance.

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