Monday, February 9, 2015

Energy Update "Standing Up"

This is not a newspaper article so I am not looking in this post to convey facts. I am only working with a little tidbit of information I heard. Maybe you’ve heard the Archdiocese in St Paul went bankrupt? I heard only a small snippet about it a few weeks ago but there was mention that people can submit their sexual assault claims to the church until April or May.....WHAT? The archbishop over the years has shared his narrow views of others choices, including being gay. Now there are allegations that he has had gay relations. Do you see he is appearing to resist indeed what he himself has been doing? It’s him in the mirror. Is there another way? You all know me! Of course there is. If the archbishop could be honest and love himself, he’d naturally love others. He is in a powerful position to make the change. He could change Catholicism in MN forever by standing up and claiming what is true. He could choose to be unafraid, and trust working with the church through love and allowing but instead he squandered his power. Think of the countless people who have felt damned for being who they are or for their choices, based on what the church judges is right or wrong. He has a choice to change this. Will he step up to the challenge of love? We must each of us take OUR opportunity to expand and bring forward our own truths. If we carry peace in us, others will be inspired to do the same! "

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