Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Disarray" This week's Energy Update

Sorry, this week is a little self-serving being that I know none of you have this problem! It may seem I'm about to write a spooky story based on the topic and while it is nearing Halloween, I find this problem haunts me year-round! How about you? It’s those piles that lurk in the kitchen, in the office and on my desk. These piles are not dust bunnies where there actually is a real chance of inherent danger from dust mites. These piles are the bills, forms from school, junk mail, etc. that seem to come in an endless stream. I just got a pink sheet home from school whose writing had a likeness to embossing which read "2nd FORM HOME". Do you think she was actually, making a reference to E.T. and meant to write 2nd Phone Home? One can only hope. The balance between the piles and the real are I want my focus need to be kept in perspective. However, when I don't, it comes down to DISARRAY! This is the word that came up for this week. Being a creative, I know clearing our space is an essential part of the creative process and if we are all creators, this is something we all have to face in order to make room for creation. Part of this creative force carries us day to day so we must have space cleared. BUT when it comes to piles and piles, what do we do? We can do several things. Pull two catalogs and call to unsubscribe. Clear one closet each week. It is almost the holidays, that sweater or child's toy you give away might make somebody very happy. Unsubscribe to 5 non-essential email newsletters, don't worry I know this one won't be included and if it is? Then I know you needed to do it! “Law of attract” more time. Tell yourself, "I have enough time." THEN.....and this is the most difficult part, GIVE YOURSELF THE TIME TO FUEL UP AND CREATE! Focus people! Let the piles that keep coming in have less focus. If we live it, it will change into what we want. This topic is one dipped in shame for me, a big bug-a-boo in my life! I hope it serves you as a reminder to let go. Even if the teacher sends a madly written 2nd notice, you can recognize you were focusing on what you want and that is an okay reason for a second notice!

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