Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Energy Update "Manifestation"

I was at Target on Thanksgiving evening. My husband and I want a replacement TV for our cabin and I shared last spring that we might consider waiting until the deal busters hit at the dawning of holiday shopping offering to "do the duty." Then on Thanksgiving evening I roped my sister and her partner into going with me after stuffing ourselves silly at our mom's house. We arrived 15 minutes into the store being opened and the place was PACKED! Then I searched the store looking for the displaced TV's along the aisle with women's clothing. The TV we wanted was gone, a knowledgeable employee shared that they were already out of these tv's. Another employee approached overhearing our conversation and she shared that her hand held device said there was one in back. "No" the man said, "That’s incorrect." We walked away and grabbed a few good deals on the way. During this experience my heart was expectant. I am a passionate person but when I found this TV out of stock I was felt the same as when I thought there was a chance there was one for us and I moved on without a thought. The three of us are standing in line weaving in and out 8 rows back into the store. (A quick aside, you appealed to this Virgo! Super speedy and organized checkout process Target!) We arrive at the last aisle prior to the checkouts and can see the end of the checkout lanes where people leave. Right there in front of me is the TV I wanted. My sister's partner points it out. I lean forward, responsive to the situation and ask the two employees standing in front of me if this TV belongs to somebody. They look at each other and one says, "Its been abandoned, its up for grabs." I jump up and down and yell, "Merry Christmas to me!!!!" My sister and I are genetic blue prints so she is doing the same thing but stops and grabs the TV and puts it into our shared cart. We laugh and revel in the moment as we move down the last aisle to pay. This is an example about manifestation. I believe in abundance and here it is! I had no expectation of getting this TV. I was expectant, hoping for the best with no attachment to outcome. My inner voice was set on, "I will be able to get a TV for our cabin." This non-attached stance offered me the emotional alignment to ALLOW. I am reminded by my good friend Nina, “things come easily to me.” This example is one of many. It is because of my positioning, not because of luck! It is approaching life in pure emotion and in the case of drawing something you want to you, expectancy is the key. We could say my intention last spring held the energy of my request and my unwavering feelings about the possibility drew it to me. Plus, wouldn't you rather find a TV at the checkout than get it at the place they were stocked? It makes for a more rich experience. A reminder to each of us: expectations and responsibility aren't a part of our truth. Expectancy and responsiveness are our truth. Expectancy can be defined as our experience of excitement for an unknown outcome, defying anxiety, which, is the attachment to outcome. We hope for something good but we let go of attachment to this and just get excited about the possibilities. Successful expectancy is about loosing your inner negative voice and following you in place of believing others when they tell you it’s not possible. Hold the good feelings, your alignment about you and the situation. You are trusting you over an outside source. This also is a good example of how to define spiritually putting you first but I won’t go into that in this post. Responsiveness is also internal. It’s where we have something presented to us and we discern (decide from our heart) how we fit the situation to meet it over doing because we "have/should/could/would". What do you "EXPECT TO SEE" (Expect-ta-cy) in 2014? Don't underestimate what you can manifest. Try it out and join me in making a vision board on January 11th, 2014! For more information about Amy and how she reads visit her website at www.intuitivepathfinder.com

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