Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Energy Update "Positive Thinking"

Energy Update Positive thinking! We've all heard it, we've all tried it, however, if you want to master manifestation, you've got to empower it in your life. Start by thinking positively! The most powerful thing is for us to remember we have choices, we have the power to change a situation. Readings influence these articles and this week's readings had to do with projecting out to the world what we desire next, in place of the fear and worry of what might be. Don't throw life to the wind thinking you have not power in it. Engage! Here are some ways to do so- We can choose, in the worst of situations to look at the positives. I've been doing this since the holidays and saw an increase in the things I wanted in my life. However coming into this week I could feel a change, a force banging the drum over my positivity into my negative voice. Recognizing it I decided to work with it at points to see how I could impact it. Sometimes it was fierce and toppled me. If this voice topples you, are you overly tired? Have you eaten well? Have you gotten enough down time? I ask these questions because sometimes the voice gets louder the more we deprive our needs or allow others to take our power. Think about it! Small steps! If we believe there is not enough time to do what we want, we must then tune our dial to "There is plenty of time for me to complete everything". If you keep expressing this message, you will find the extra time comes. If it is not right away, let go.....give it a chance! Be grateful when you see it happen. You must believe that what you really want to be or do is just a thought away and that that thought builds off of each next thought and if we think the dynamic thoughts about what we want they are likely to come in dynamic ways. Feel it inside as though what you want is already happening. Just fake it 'til you make it! One additional tidbit...... Stand up as a parent, grandparent, teacher, etc. to learn healthy boundaries with children so neither child nor ourselves are drained of energy. For people who spend time around children visit Simple methods that leave your child's, grandchild's, friend's child, student's, etc. soul intact.

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