Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Limiting Beliefs be gone spray is available at St Michael's by the bedside store........

This week's post is about Limiting Beliefs, we've all got 'em! I mean, I don't but everybody else does. Erhem. (Clearing throat because I am lying) Last week I asked for a lot of support in several directions in my life. I need some catalysts to help me move in directions, lets face it, where I keep getting stuck. I know a way to prime this pump on my own is to be resourceful. When I travel I best tap into this by "working with what I have". This makes me feel relaxed and inspires me because I see the joy in creating whatever I need out of something other. A new outfit emerges due to spilled mustard. You reach into the resources at hand and see what you can make of it. Are you with me creators? Yes you are! However, I am recognizing through a series of patterns which translate to insanity, in my daily life I fail this attribute miserably! So, I had to ask myself some questions. Why in daily life do I struggle to be as resourceful in this same way as when I travel? Because I judge it and hold expectations. Why? Because I feel trapped. Why? Because of routine. So it was that easy for me to see the pattern I've perpetuated to keep the insanity flowing. Ick. Now the antidote came out of what I was judging. I realized to prime the pump in the areas of my life which need igniting I'd have to visit what held me back. I realized I need more connection and power with art. The limiting belief was "I can't play or take the time to create a relationship with art." So I asked myself to make art each day. I added an additional day to my week where I would focus on making art outside of my home. I also asked for support from a savvy eye in the field where I'd like my art to head and if they'd use a cattle prod and ease me along the narrows of the killing chute. Wait, wrong story! I was trying to see if you were awake! I asked for support. I asked through being vulnerable and honest and a good thing happened because they said "Yes." I always worried somebody else would take credit for my creative savvy but this too is just a limiting belief from my childhood. To take these examples one step further, they can translate into peace and joy. If we follow who we really are, surpass what we thought was not available and accept that if we ask in steps, we can achieve almost anything. The real benefit is when we pass this last step and relax in place of trying, we really hit gold. For me when I travel, I am certain to meet nearly everybody within my radius without even trying. I've gone to events where small groups convene in between speakers where I act as the waiting room "emcee" and get each person to share their connection to life and they don't even know it but everybody feels a little better. For I am a connector and if I place myself where I am to be and I release judgment, I am golden. Give yourself the gift of gold. Let somebody sit at your extra space at your table, stand up for the person who needs the seat on the bus. It is not your kind action but your open heart that will bring awe into your life. I know you're dying for more but that is what next week is for people! Enjoy your heart and life until them.

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